Promoting a more gender-inclusive extractives sector

Promoting a more gender-inclusive extractives sector

If extractives resources are to benefit all citizens, both women and men need to be
included in the sector’s governance and have equal access to employment
opportunities. Yet the extractive industries are disproportionately governed and
operated by men, and sector-specific policies that take gender into account are
relatively scarce. Moreover, women and girls bear a disproportionate share of the
negative social, economic and environmental impacts of the sector. A recent analysis by
suggests that women in mineral resource-dependent communities often experience
greater wealth and rights inequality than those in communities that are not resource-
dependent. The Covid-19 pandemic has deepened gender inequality in the industry,
with movement restrictions and employment cuts affecting women who hold the majority
of informal and lower paying jobs.
Ensuring equal participation in decision making on the extractive
sector is critical to addressing inequalities and ensuring that the
sector is managed in the interest of all citizens. By recognizing
and promoting the participation of women in the extractive sector as
employees, business owners, community members and decision
makers on resource governance governments and companies can
ensure that resources are managed more equitably.